Present: Adrienne Lauby, Shahram Aghamir, Tim Lynch, Ann
Garrison. Meeting began at 6:15 pm. by Conference Call.
We discussed these agenda items:
1. The UPSO election
Want to run for the Unpaid Staff Organization Council? Please think about stepping up in
December. We’d like to get all the names
on the ballot by mid-January and have the election in mid-February.
We decided we would like to try an electronic UPSO election
to save both time and money. Tim Lynch
found this website where it can be done and the cost will be far less. This should be
a lot easier on everyone.
However, our UPSO by-laws call for an election by paper
ballot, so we will give everyone till the end of the month to object, before
next month’s meeting. We’re doing our
best to be realistic about how much time and energy is available to get this
Shahram volunteered to try to get unpaid lists from Antonio
and Laura. Ann volunteered to study the
electronic election site, but we need several more people to volunteer to be on
the elections committee.
Our tentative schedule is: Call for nominations, early
December, mid-January. Electronic voting
period ends in first or second week of February.
2. The Unpaid Staff E-Group
We revisited the possibility that the UPSO list could be
divided in two. One list for
everyone. This would simply be for
meeting announcements, minutes, and any factual matters everyone should
know. It would be a one-way list. Another list would be for those who would
also like to discuss things with each other.
This list would allow any unpaid staff member to post. For example, if the UPSO Council has passed a
resolution, some might want to discuss it afterwards, others would not want
their mailboxes cluttered with the discussion.
Adrienne agreed to ask Antonio how difficult this would be
and we agreed to revisit the issue next month.
3. Music Director’s
Those of us who are public affairs producers, Adrienne,
Shahram, and Ann, wanted to know how music producers will be affected by not
having a Music Director. Tim said that
Program Director Laura Prives had scheduled a meeting with them to survey their
needs next week.
We agreed to express our support for music producers
contributions to the station, keep an eye on what happens with music next at
KPFA, and encourage music producers to bring any issues they think we might
help with to the Council.
4. Interim Producer
KPFA is hiring an interim producer for Upfront and Letters
and Politics. We discussed the lack of UPSO input on KPFA hiring committees, which we have had at some points in the past. (Shahram had gone by the time we
discussed this.) Ann and Adrienne said that the lack of inclusion and
transparency in these temporary hires lead to more tension at the
station. They believe UPSO should be represented in both interim and
permanent hiring processes. Tim said he didn’t know what the alternative
was when staffing needs were urgent.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. Next month's agenda will
revisit, for two items, elections, the two UPSO list possibility, and items that you, UPSO members, would like us to add to the agenda.
Notes by Ann G.
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