Attending: Ann
Garrison*, Steve Zeltzer, Adrienne Lauby*
(*Council members)
This meeting replaced the meeting planned for Sept. 10 after only one person attended that meeting. Due to the low turn out and lack of quorum among the Council
Members, the meeting was information exchange only
1) Steve noted that
we have asked the KPFA managers to hold all staff meetings, with a meeting in
the evening when unpaid staff can come, on at least a bi-monthly schedule. These meetings have not happened since
May/June. We agreed to write Richard
Pirodsky and remind him of our resolution.
2) Adrienne and Ann
talked about the difficulty of keeping UPSO functioning when most of the
council members are not able to come to meetings or take on tasks between meetings. There is no method in our by-laws for
requiring attendance. We could ask one
person to resign in favor of the next runner up in the last election. If there are two vacancies, we have to hold a
special election.
3) Steve requested
that the Unpaid Local Station Board (LSB) representatives give regular reports
on their work on the LSB. This is
required by our by-laws. We will
schedule this for the next meeting and ask our representatives to report. They are David Gans, Shahram Aghamir, Joy
Moore & Frank Sterling.
4) Our next meeting
is Tuesday, Oct 8 at 7 pm and it is our quarterly membership meeting which is
held in the Performance Studio at KPFA.
We would like the major topic of discussion to be Richard
Pirodsky’s initiative to open KPFB to a new programming schedule. We will invite him to give a brief
description of what is possible and open the floor for discussion.
These are also possible agenda topics for the membership
meeting: A) Would we like a written policy on
pre-emptions? How much notice should a
programmer generally have? B) Why are we not allowed to tell listeners an
event is “free”? Is this a reasonable
interpretation of the law governing non-commercial radio? C) The
strain on the UPSO organization due to non-participation. D) New and very strict “Sensitive Language” policy.
Adrienne will send a copy of the new stricter policy to the unpaid staff list.
Meeting ended at 8:07
Following the meeting, this letter was sent to the KPFA
Hi Richard,
We would like to have some focus at the next Unpaid Staff Organization meeting on the possibility of opening KPFB up for new programming. Would you join us at our next meeting for this discussion? Tues, Oct 8, 7 pm in the KPFA Performance Room.
We would also like to know where the policy against saying "free" in event announcements originated and what was the rationale behind it.
Finally, as I think you know, the Unpaid Staff Organization has asked you to hold all staff meetings on at least a bi-monthly schedule. These meetings are long overdue. Would you please
schedule a meeting where the unpaid staff can learn what is going on at the station and express our thoughts and opinions? (Our resolution on this is below.)
Thank you. I look forward to a positive discussion about this exciting new schedule for KPFB on Oct. 8.
cc: UPSO Council Members
5-14-13: We affirm our February 13, 2012 resolution calling on KPFA managers to hold regular all-staff meetings on, at least, a bi-monthly schedule.
Additionally, we note KPFA's long-standing tradition of two meetings, with one in the morning to accommodate those who work in the building during the business hours and one in the evening to accommodate those who work elsewhere. We call for both afternoon and evening meetings whenever there is an all-staff meeting.
We would like to have some focus at the next Unpaid Staff Organization meeting on the possibility of opening KPFB up for new programming. Would you join us at our next meeting for this discussion? Tues, Oct 8, 7 pm in the KPFA Performance Room.
We would also like to know where the policy against saying "free" in event announcements originated and what was the rationale behind it.
Finally, as I think you know, the Unpaid Staff Organization has asked you to hold all staff meetings on at least a bi-monthly schedule. These meetings are long overdue. Would you please
schedule a meeting where the unpaid staff can learn what is going on at the station and express our thoughts and opinions? (Our resolution on this is below.)
Thank you. I look forward to a positive discussion about this exciting new schedule for KPFB on Oct. 8.
cc: UPSO Council Members
5-14-13: We affirm our February 13, 2012 resolution calling on KPFA managers to hold regular all-staff meetings on, at least, a bi-monthly schedule.
Additionally, we note KPFA's long-standing tradition of two meetings, with one in the morning to accommodate those who work in the building during the business hours and one in the evening to accommodate those who work elsewhere. We call for both afternoon and evening meetings whenever there is an all-staff meeting.